No matter the state you reside in, or size of your property, or if you even utilize a landscaping company, everyone wants a great-looking lawn. Take a trip into one of the gated communities in our local area, and compare the quality of the turf to their commercial counterparts in one of our business parks. You will find the same exquisite attention to detail and lush green grass. This is because both the residential HOA, and the commercial property owner want their lawn to drive in revenue. As the face of your property, the quality of your lawn determines first impressions and sets the stage for a potential home buyer or business customer. Because we know how important the state of your lawn is, we want to help you make it look even better. Not everything has to be expensive and intensive, these are three easy tips for improving your lawn. 

Water to improve your lawn

Water your Lawn: Frequency and Depth

It goes without saying that in the harsh Florida heat, you need to water your lawn in hopes that it maintains a green color. Lack of water is the same as a lack of any other nutrient and opens the door to disease, pests, and weeds. Avoidance of these is in your best interest, which means maintenance of not only a good-looking lawn, but a healthy one is key. If your property is on the smaller side, you very well may be able to get away with hand watering, but you risk some inefficiency. If you do choose this route, ensure that you water early in the morning, and follow all local water restrictions. On a larger property, you may want to consider the installation of an irrigation system, which will actually save you money long term.

Increase the Height of your Mow

Fairly straightforward, cutting your turf too short is a common issue across the country. It puts stress on your turf, as blades have to rapidly grow back with limited nutrient access. You risk your lawn drying out and dying out, which we hope to avoid. Whether you mow your lawn yourself or noticed that your landscaper was cutting it particularly short, just raise the mowing height a bit. Mowing frequently at a higher setting will keep your grass consistently healthy, and defensible should a lawn predator roll around. Cutting higher will also lead to a more uniform look, as cutting too short can often lead to missed patches.

Fertilization to Improve Your LawnFertilization: Trust the Science

As we mentioned earlier, nutrients are extremely important to the health of your lawn. Growth is dependent on chemical processes taking place within your turf, supported by the nutritional compounds found in lawn fertilizers. Injecting these nutrients directly into your soil where the roots of your turf can go grab them is key to keeping your lawn healthy. The health of your lawn is directly correlated with how it looks, standing up straighter and growing greener. 

Alexander’s Property Maintenance is a full-service commercial landscape company serving commercial properties in West Central Florida. We focus on quality, consistency, and reliability for all our clients. We do it right the first time. Check out our website to see what we have to offer or to contact us for an estimate. Give us a call at the number listed on our website most relevant to your location.

Learn More About Fertilization In Your Lawn!


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